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Home arrow FAQs arrow What is Aussie Shots' studio like?
What is Aussie Shots' studio like? Print E-mail

The studio (located in residential North Ryde, approximately 20 minutes from Sydney CBD) has been designed to be "stress free" environment. We have an area dedicated to product photography, with studio lighting and also areas flooded with natural light for differing effects.

Clients are welcome in the studio but they can relax on the lounge and watch Foxtel, a DVD, or listen to some music while we shoot.

A working kitchen is also available.

You can take a break outside in the courtyard or on the verandah, and there is plenty of room inside on days the perfect Sydney weather is less than perfect.

The house provides many location opportunities, both inside and out.  Large north facing French doors mean available natural light style shooting is always available.

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(C)1999 - 2024 Aussie Shots Imaging Synergy Professional Photography North Ryde Sydney
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