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Who owns the copyright? Print E-mail

Often a contentious issue! So there is no confusion, on full payment of the invoice Aussie Shots will transfer the complete rights to the images over to you.

We don’t need by-lines, photo credits or print run quoters. Our desire is to make the best possible images for you, and then let you use those images to further your business.

If you use the images more than once, we are thrilled, and won’t be coming with our hand out asking for more money, because we believe in doing a good job the first time. By doing this we are confident that you will come back and use us again and again.

Full irrevocable rights to the images are passed across to you, the client on full payment of the invoice.

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(C)1999 - 2024 Aussie Shots Imaging Synergy Professional Photography North Ryde Sydney
all images are best viewed on a colour corrected monitor.