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Costs and Budgets Print E-mail

Our rates are the same no matter what you use the images for. We don't charge differently for difficulty, press run sizes or outdoor exposure. Projects are quoted on a job by job basis. You will find the costs are very reasonable.

We quote on a flat fee basis on many jobs to keep the process as simple and predictable as possible for the client. We understand your need to know a fixed cost in advance, rather than to find yourself subject to unknown expenses and time.

We are proud that many of our smaller clients, have access to a photographer that they felt was out of their price range. Although we support the DIY photographer, you will often find there is much more to a good image than just the camera.

Here at Aussie Shots, you are welcome to "look over our shoulders" as we create the best image for you. We don't keep little secrets.;-)

Please call or email to enquire on how we can help you.

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(C)1999 - 2024 Aussie Shots Imaging Synergy Professional Photography North Ryde Sydney
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